Upcoming Events

Check out what's happening here at Legacy!

Second Sunday Prayer | 10.13 | 6:45PM - 8PM

October 13th will be our "Second Sunday" Prayer Gathering. This is a chance for us all to gather and collectively pray for Legacy, our city, our world and more.

Baptisms | 10.20 | 9AM & 11AM

Are you ready to be baptized as part of your decision to follow Jesus? Water baptisms will be taking place on Sunday, October 20th during both of our services. 

Because baptisms are a vital part of our Christian walk, we offer a required class for all being baptized, held on Sunday October 13th at 9:30AM.

Register here.

Trunk or Treat | 10.31 | 5PM-7PM

Join us as we host a Free Community Trunk-Or-Treat at Legacy Church's parking lot on October 31st!

We are also receiving candy donations to be dropped off at the church anytime before this event.

Thank you for joining us as we share Hope For All with our neighbors this Fall!  

Click here to participate!